Last updated on July 1st, 2022 at 10:04 pm
Not sure where to start?
How to Use This Website:
- SEARCH: There is a handy little search box over there on the top right of the menu. Type in any keyword for a listing of results on the topic you’re looking for. Example: Type in “ice pop molds” in the search box and you’ll get a listing of every post created on this site that mentions ice pop molds. Handy, no? – OR, You can peruse the Cheat Sheet Shop to find things.
- Browse the Resources: I have provided an extensive list of resources that link out to various websites, articles, and PDF printable sheets for each topic I have covered here. Sift through them or just bookmark us and come back to reference them at your leisure. You’ll find a great deal of information has been published on a bevy of safety topics. The Resource Links is a great place to start your research.
- Browse By Category: Every week I post topic-related articles, point out new websites, do product reviews and help parents find information on specific products. You can filter by category to narrow down your topic search. You can also do a keyword search on the top left side of the site. (see above)
- Glossary: Huh? A what? What’s a Bisphephalaioxadenol??!? I know how confusing all these chemical terms are (I was just as confused as you) so I have a Glossary of Terms that come up in articles on SafeMama on a regular basis.
- Keep Up With Recalls: For your convenience, we’ve pulled in the rss feeds of the Consumer Product Safety Commission (focusing on children’s products) as well as a few others so you’ll have the latest recall information. These are all located in the right sidebar.
- Frequently Asked Questions: I have a list of FAQ’s for you to check out too. Please read these before emailing me your question. Thank you!
- Email SafeMama: Question about a product? Confused about something? I’ll do my best to answer your questions or direct you to the right place to find them if time permits it. I may be busy wiping someone’s hiney so keep your pants on if I don’t respond right away. Contact SafeMama
How To Support This Site: is something I do for myself and for other parents as a free service out of my passion for the subjects presented here. I hope to continue this project forever. However, this site takes a lot of time and research to organize so I am not so humble to say I could always use a little help.
Click on and shop with my advertisers and affiliates. I get some small kickbacks for products purchased through some of the links, I get a couple of nickels through Amazon, and of course, please visit and shop with my advertisers. I choose my advertisers carefully to ensure that their mission and products are safe. I don’t advertise any website I wouldn’t shop at for myself, so I hope you’ll consider shopping with them too.
Contribute! I am only one woman with limited time so I fully appreciate all the emails, tips, and research parents have been doing to find out information. Parents are calling companies to check out the materials in teethers, or are directing me to new products I haven’t seen. Keep the email coming. I try my best to keep things up to date but I really rely on parents to help me keep things current. If you’re interested in becoming a regular contributor, please email me and let me know.
Thank you to all the parents who read the site and have emailed to let me know. It makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. *squish* I appreciate every single person who stops here and visits.