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6 Ways To Protect Your Child From Lead Poisoning

By Kristie Turck •  Published 04/26/08 •  2 min read

Last updated on August 20th, 2022 at 10:03 am

With so many recalls of toys last year, the awareness of paint containing lead has never been higher. And the worry doesn’t stop at just toys. There are lots of places where children can be exposed to lead. Having grown up in a new home myself and now living in a new(er) home with my own family, I never really worried about the thought of lead poisoning. But if you’re living in an older house (one built before 1978), you have more cause for concern. Pediatricians don’t even test for lead in children unless they meet certain criteria. I know our pediatrician hasn’t even asked us whether or not we live in a house built before 1978. That’s kind of disturbing.

Measures To Protect Your Child From Lead Poisoning.

These are just a few things you can do to keep your child safe.

Further Reading:

Lead Safe vs. Lead-Free

American Academy of Pediatrics Prevention of Childhood Lead Toxicity


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